Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Taking a Kat Nap

With all the things currently going on in my life, I have decided something has to be set on the back burner.

I will be taking a little blog-vacation. I hope to still be able and stop by and find out what is going on in the blogging world. I still want to do some blog stalking and because I am a little (OK, a lot) snoopy, I still need to know what's going on.

See you on the flip side! (Don't I just sound like Dick Clark??)

And a BIG thanks to Manic Mariah. For wonderful support and understanding! Thanks for your being my sounding board and for being a great blogging friend.


Liz said...

I'll miss you!

pan x 8 said...

I'll miss you too but I totally understand. You ARE a great blogging buddy!!

Tracy P. said...

You mean I'll have to go to CHURCH to get my Sunday sermon now?

Emily K. said...

I'm sad you're taking a break, hopefully it's not too long. I'll miss you!

nikkicrumpet said...

I'll miss you...but I totally understand blogcation needs. We anxiously await your return!

Jeanette said...

Enjoy your break but hurry back!

Marsha said...

WHAT? I complain about infrequent posts so yer gonna show me and take a vacation. WELL.....I NEVER!! I so look forward to stalking your blog. It's so entertaining, enlightening and all around COOL! Have a good blog vacation Marrdy and I'll keep the light on.

Shawn said...

Does this mean you will not be participating in the swap? Since I still haven't heard from you that's my assumption. If you feel that you will not be able to send your gift out in time I understand but I do need to know. Please email me and let me know or I will have to remove you tomorrow.

Enjoy your break!


Mariah said...

XOXO Thinking of you!

Melissa B. said...

Oh, Marrdy, I'll miss you! Please visit regularly, and bring those Kute Kitties with you, OK? BTW, don't forget Sx3 today!

Heather said...

Sometimes a blog-cation is just the thing. We'll miss you!!

Unknown said...

love the cat pics!

stopping by from SITS; hope when you come back from your blog break you'll do the same.

Unknown said...

It's okay to take some me-time! Thank you for stopping by my new blog and leaving congrats on the birth of my daughter. See you on the flip side!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Hi, I'm stopping by from SITS! I just wanted to share some comment love. I'm still fairly new to blogging and to SITS so I'd love for you to stop by my blog if you get a chance! I love to make new friends.

Well, I hope the rest of your week is absolutely amazing!

Many Blessings,

Teresa <><

Tulsi said...

I love your cat pics!!! Have fun on vacation.

Kerri said...

Hilarious pics! Stopping by from SITS!

Anonymous said...

Oh great! You were the one on line just before me on SITS and so I wanted to come by and shout you a happy SITS day, but alas you are away on bloggy vacation - enjoying your life - electronics free. I need to cut my blogging umbilical cord sometime soon too. This house needs a good scrubbin'! :oP

My best, Lynn

Meg said...

Love that first picture! Stopping by from SITS. Hope that your break is all that you need it to be.

Tracy P. said...

OK Marrdy, it's been long enough now. I miss you! The blogosphere isn't the same without you. Here's a hug! ;-)

The Royal Family said...

Thanks for visiting me on my special day, I hope you had time to enter one of my two current giveaways.
hope to see you soon, Brandy

funny cat pics!

Tulsi said...

I just want to be the cat in the top picture for a while. OK, for a year. That's not to much to ask, is it? I've been sick and Steve can do laundry, he always cooks, I am in a serious funk. Time for the doctor. I know what you mean by to much to deal with. Only I blog, without telling secrets and fb. I want out of my body for a while. I'll be 45 next month and think I should be stronger. I'm the mom. Mom's are strong. One daughter moved just south of us with her family. Killer deal. One daughter will be sending a boyfriend off on a church Mission after the 4th. I do retail therapy, which I can't because of visiting my dad, who was just released from the VA Hospital in Prescott, AZ. How can you fake happy all day and get any real sleep at night. I need a "perfect" pill.