Thursday, April 30, 2009

Writers Workshop

Once again I found something from Mama Kat's Writers Workshop that tickled my fancy. Go check out her blog and all the great entries.

Is plastic surgery an option? Without being vulgar, write about the body part still attached to you that you would most like to dis-attach and replace with a better one.

During our Easter Party my mother turned to me and said, "What did you do to your face?" This is a question I have been asked several times in the last month. I emailed my much older sister to tell her the story and to see if she knew any "good" Doctors. She is getting older and couldn't remember the doctors name. Could be the first sign of Dementia.

When I was a teenager I hardly ever had a blemish on my face. Once in a while I would get a zit right in the middle of my forehead. Nothing hideous or gross, just a zit. Below is evidence of my blemish free complexion. I was lucky. I don't think I ever washed my face with Noxzema like a good 70's girls would have done.

Back to my mothers comment. I had a woman at church ask me if my hubby had been hitting me, (Which DID NOT sit well with him. He now thinks everyone thinks he beats me! Poor guy. And he really is just the sweetest thing ever!), then a guy at work I hadn't seen for about six months walked in a few weeks ago and said, "What's that thing on your face?" then last night at dinner, after my mother sat down at the table, my sister (who really is a smart alec!) said to me (In a very loud voice) "What did you do to your face?" Then she laughed, an evil laugh. My mother, who is sitting next to me, wheels around, stares at my face and says the very same thing. The same thing as before. I gave my sister an eye roll. If she had been closer I would have kicked her. HARD.

I have never thought of having plastic surgery. I am pretty much OK with my sagging parts. And I have had three C-sections already. I am not interested in surgery. But lately I have been thinking more about going "under the knife" or at least having a chemical peel or burning this thing off my face.

Here is the HIDEOUS mark on my face that my mother keeps mentioning. This is covered with concealer and makeup! I am looking for a Dermatologist in Salt Lake County. Anybody know any good ones? My sister is keeping hers a secret!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wordful Wednesday - Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my mother's 76th birthday. She lives in a little town in Northern Utah close to Logan. She is coming down to Salt Lake today to watch the taping of Good Things Utah. Because I work during the day, I have never watched the show but my Mom LOVES it! For her brithday, my step father and I, decided to reserve a spot for her and her cousin, Donna Jean, to see the taping. (You can't take your purse into the studio....what will my mother do??? She'll have a nervous break down without her purse! It's like her best friend...she takes it everywhere!)

In honor of Mom's birthday here is a little Wordful Wednesday Wish for her!

Here is Mom with my dog Moose in about 1975.

Mom loves animals more than anything else. Honestly, more than anything!

This is Tammy. The dog we had during my childhood.
I'm sure she liked Tammy more than us. Tammy minded her!

My mom has only one sibling. My Uncle Tom. I cannot even
imagine having one sibling.

These seven were the kids she had when she married my step father.
Her own three Marrla, second from the left and Steve and me on the far right.
Shelly and Kelly, who are in the front, Mark who is on the left and Doug who is between
Marrla and me were her new step-children.

Here are Jack, Jill and David.
Ten children in total....and we lived to tell about it!

To make up for having only brother and no sisters, Mom has "adopted" her cousin Donna Jean.

Tonight we are all meeting up for dinner at Guadalahonky's in Draper. Her favorite place to eat PLUS it's Mexican Food...good for the soul!

Check out the other Wordless Wednesdays entries over at Angie's Seven Clown Circus!

Monday, April 27, 2009

An Award & A Swap

While I was visiting SITS on Sunday I noticed a link to The Nut House. Shannon, the hostess of this cute blog is hosting a Swap. I have wanted to join in a swap but I don't have very many domestic talent genes so haven't found one I could actually do. Shannon has a swap where you exchange something unique to where you live and exchange with someone who lives in an area you would like visit. Here is the information that Shannon posted, but please go visit her and see this post for yourself and join in if you'd like!

If you are interested in participating, comment here to let me know. Then, to verify your commitment to the swap, send an email to nuthouseshannon{at}gmail{dot}com with the following info:
your name
your mailing address
your blog name and blog address
an area of the country that you've never been to but would like to visit

My intention is to match partners by where they live and where they'd like to visit. For example, Blogger A lives in Tennessee and would like to visit New England. She could be matched with Blogger B, who lives in Maine. BUT, this doesn't mean that Blogger B would necessarily be matched back with Blogger A. Make sense?

Now, as for what goodies to send... this is completely up to you, but the items you send should pertain to areas of interest from your hometown. To give another example, I could send my swap partner items from the Tennessee Aquarium or the Chattanooga Choo Choo.

The Rules:
Entries for this swap will not be accepted after 11:59 p.m. (EST), May 6th.
Since this is my 1st time hosting a swap, I've decided to open this up to U.S. bloggers only (I apologize for any inconvenience!)

You will be notified by email of your partner's info no later than May 9th. You will only be told the identity of the person you are to ship to... you won't know who got your name until you receive their package!
Again, what you send is entirely up to you... I only ask that you spend no more than $30 but at least $20 (and this does not include shipping costs).

Mail your package no later than June 6th. This gives you four weeks from the time you get your partner's info to the time you need to ship your package.
Please do not sign up for the swap with the intention of receiving a package and not sending one!
When June 6th gets here and packages start being delivered, I'll put up a post with a Mr. Linky... blog about your goodies and link up so everyone can see what you got!
And the last rule is... BE CREATIVE & HAVE FUN!

Doesn't this sound fun? I've never been east of Denver (well, except one trip to Chicago) so I'm sure my choice will be somewhere back east. Check out Shannon's post if you are interested.

I have received an excellent award from Xazmin from the blog This is the Year. Here is the award and the rules:

Here's what you do when you have received the "Super Blogger" award. Copy the picture on your blog in a post. Pass it along to 5 fellow super bloggers, and comment on their blog to let them know how lucky they are today!
When you present your Super Blogger awards, link back to the super blogger who gave it to you.

So there you have it. (And don't you just love the Masked Mommy??) Thank you so much Xazmin, I enjoy your blog and I am so glad I found you (or you found me...however that worked!) Plus, it's her 100th post and she's having a very cute give away. Go check that out too!

I would like to pass this award onto: WepRuminations , The Family Awaits, Seven Super Summers and Ritch in Love .

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

This is my first kitty of my "adult" life. His name was Jasper and he was the best most awesome cat in the world. We also called him Bop and Bop a Weno. Don't know why for sure.

When I would read the newspaper he was just like Garfield and lay right on top of the part I was reading. I would move him off and he would plop right back in the middle of the paper.

When he was five years old he got some nasty bladder stones. Nasty for him and nasty for my house. Turns out he had to have surgery and had a stone the size of a thumb nail removed. Poor baby. That costs me $200 which in 1983 was alot of money. But he was worth it.

He lived to the ripe old age of 16. He helped me through my years of infertility and turned out to be a great feline friend for my first born human child.

To this day I still get teary eyed when I think of him. This picture shows exactly what kind of cat he was. A total and complete stud muffin! Way too cool to sit around and act like a cat. (And do you love my couch and carpet? Can you say 1970's?)

Check out the other posts for Wordful Wednesday with Angie at Seven Clown Circus.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wall of Fame

Tracy at The Journey has posted a request to her blogging friends to tell about when they were Heroes to their children or other children in their lives. Below is her request. Pop on over and see what Tracy did for her children and see what else the blogging world has done!

Unfortunatley, I was having some computer problems and didn't get this here it is almost two weeks late!! Thanks for the great idea Tracy. You really do inspire me!

Please join me for a fun event beginning Monday, April 6. I will be posting a "Mr. Linky" Wall of Fame to link to YOUR post about something fun you do to connect with the kids in your life. You may very well already have a post somewhere that you could link us to. I hope you'll play along and invite your friends, so we can all get some fun new ideas!

Primary Program 1996. This happened to fall on my 40th birthday so we celebrated with a cake!

When I mentioned this to my hubby he said, "Well, that will be easy!" I told him to tell what he thought I should write about since I couldn't think of a thing. So, he reminded me of all the girls (and a few boys) I have taught and worked with at church. Hundreds of girls starting in 1978 until this very year. Every year I have been involved with the youth. Girls who are now approaching 50 down in age to girls who will be turning 10 this year.

My very first group of Young Women in 1982.

I have been their teacher, their friend, their camping buddy and their spiritual leader. Hopefully, somewhere along the way, I have taught them something important. I hope they know that they are important and have added so much to my life. Mostly, I just hope they know they have a Savior who gave His life for them. That they have a loving Heavenly Father who knows and loves them. Hopefully, that is what they will remember and that I love them.

Girls Camp 1995, Brighton Meadows. We got scared by Moose and skunks tried to eat all our food!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

Several of my blogging friends participate in Wordful Wednesday that is sponsored by Angie at 7 Clown Circus. Since my blogging brain has been slow lately I thought I would start posting pictures for Wordful Wednesday too even though I'm not quite sure how it works.

Stop by 7 Clown Circus and check out all the others posting pictures today!

Here I am in Germany, less than 2 years old. Looks like we’re out for a picnic and Marrla is standing around topless. She’s probably already started her daily exercise routine and look at me, doing my daily routine, eating. And, yes, that is a beer I have hugged to myself. Wonder what my parents were thinking? Probably thought it was all so very cute!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Have a happy and joyous Easter Weekend!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh, To Be A Dog

Baxter, my canine friend at work, has the kind of life I sometimes wish I could enjoy. Especially when all I really want all day is a nap.

Today was one of those days.

But no nap for me. It's the end of one month and the beginning of another which means it's time to close the books. Being an accountant not only makes me a nerd, but it also means that each and every month the books must be closed. No matter how tired you are. Add a conference call to that and anyone would be sleepy!

Now, Baxter doesn't have a job. He does make some deliveries in the office and I really need to get a picture of that.....too, too cute!! So what Baxter does, besides beg for food and bark while I'm on the phone is, SLEEP!

Here is what Baxter did today. He slept while dreaming of eating.

No one ever said he didn't know how to multi-task!