This morning in the park next to the building where I work two homeless people died. They were found frozen to death next to the Jordan River.
We work in an area where so many bad things have happened. We see things everyday that most people should not see. Homeless people live here in a camp close to the river. The police are here throughout the day, every day. And not just for trouble with homeless people.
Today we knew there was something, once again, going on. There were fire trucks, a paramedic truck, dozens police officers and three TV station trucks plus the Medical Examiner. When the Medical Examiner pulled up, we knew it was not going to end well.
The story first appeared on KSL TV’s website. You can leave comments about any story the station broadcasts, which I know is normal for all news agencies. The heartbreaking thing about this is what the first people to make comments on this story said. Many of these comments were cruel and totally uncalled for. I don’t understand people. How can they be so callus and uncaring. The people, who died today, never intended to become homeless. Some tragedy happened in their lives to force them to assume this life.
Where is the compassion that people should have? Where is the understanding and caring? Even though these people are homeless does not mean they don’t have families somewhere. Families who may read what has been written on KSL. And the homeless are also children of God, just like the rest of us, and should be treated with respect at the time of their deaths
My own brother was a drug addict and a homeless person for part of his life. He roamed the US looking for something that was missing in his life. This was a choice he had made. The only one he could have made to try and deal with the cruelties of his world. He died, just as these two have died. After a long hard and painful life. Fortunately, Mark died inside a building. Not in his home but not next to the river, during a snowstorm either.
It was heartening to see that now, a few hours later, more people are showing that they are human. Leaving comments to the family, expressing sympathy. God bless you and all those who have compassion and empathy for those less fortunate than you.
We work in an area where so many bad things have happened. We see things everyday that most people should not see. Homeless people live here in a camp close to the river. The police are here throughout the day, every day. And not just for trouble with homeless people.
Today we knew there was something, once again, going on. There were fire trucks, a paramedic truck, dozens police officers and three TV station trucks plus the Medical Examiner. When the Medical Examiner pulled up, we knew it was not going to end well.
The story first appeared on KSL TV’s website. You can leave comments about any story the station broadcasts, which I know is normal for all news agencies. The heartbreaking thing about this is what the first people to make comments on this story said. Many of these comments were cruel and totally uncalled for. I don’t understand people. How can they be so callus and uncaring. The people, who died today, never intended to become homeless. Some tragedy happened in their lives to force them to assume this life.
Where is the compassion that people should have? Where is the understanding and caring? Even though these people are homeless does not mean they don’t have families somewhere. Families who may read what has been written on KSL. And the homeless are also children of God, just like the rest of us, and should be treated with respect at the time of their deaths
My own brother was a drug addict and a homeless person for part of his life. He roamed the US looking for something that was missing in his life. This was a choice he had made. The only one he could have made to try and deal with the cruelties of his world. He died, just as these two have died. After a long hard and painful life. Fortunately, Mark died inside a building. Not in his home but not next to the river, during a snowstorm either.
It was heartening to see that now, a few hours later, more people are showing that they are human. Leaving comments to the family, expressing sympathy. God bless you and all those who have compassion and empathy for those less fortunate than you.
Oh Marrdy--I won't be going over to see what they said. Any story that ends the way theirs did and your brother's did is indeed a story close to the heart of God. It's one thing to not have a clue how to help people in dire straits, so much that we don't even try. It's another thing to stand in judgement when we can't imagine where they have been. Thanks for sharing your heart.
That is precisely the problem with the ksl.com website, their comments feature. Some people really ought to limit their use of the 1st amendment.
I adore your huge heart Marrdy! Love ya!
Awww...this breaks my heart.
What a sad way to start the day.
stopping by from SITS to say hi.
I used to read the KSL comments when my husband was deployed and all they did was make me mad. People say anything when they don't have to look someone in the face. Mikele and I were watching the news together last night when we saw the news about this. It is so sad that they didn't think there were any other option. And there may not have been. Mikele was very upset that the police may not find out who they were.
This is so sad. I have to agree - I used to spend a lot of time reading the KSL comment boards. I was continually disgusted at the ugly things people, most of them supposedly Christians, can say about their fellow man.
I don't read the comment boards anymore.
I read the story and was shocked. I know that here in arizona, the homeless die from the heat. its terrible.
what is your address so i can get driving directions for next week?
While there are so many wonderful souls in the world, I'm sad to say that there are quite a few evil ones, too. I'm a glass half-full person, though. Here's hoping that the wonderful souls outnumber those with no soul at all. Thanks so much for posting about this. My heart goes out to those two lonely folks.
I have a huge problem with KSL'c comments thing --- Things people post make me stay away from KSL!!
Thanks for entering all of my giveaways.... there are more to come!
Marrdy: What a poignant post. Thanks so much for opening up our eyes. When my daughter's homeless friend, Yoshio, died on Christmas Eve, several insensitive souls posted similar comments on our local TV stations' Web sites. I'm not sure what's wrong with people like that. I do know that Yoshio led a much more dignified life than those idiots. Thanks so much for tugging on our hearstrings!
And on a completely different note: Don't forget to stop by Sx3 today...I'm celebrating 1 Year in the Blogosphere!
It is sad. You never know what circumstances these people had to face that put them into their current situation.
Thanks so much for visiting me on my SITS day!!
She plans on staying with Aunt Linda and of course stopping by. I already made her promise that. Regarding Dad and Tanner no one told me until about 2 hours before he was found. No one thought to call me at all.
I watched the game...but dang they almost let another one get away from them! They have to work harder than that if they want to finish in 6th or higher...And we darn sure don't want to play the Lakers or Spurs in the first round!
They froze to death? Utterly heartbreaking.
These kind of stories make me think of Jesus, when He said, "Whatsoever you do to the last of My brothers, that you do unto Me." I always try to remember this.
hey marrdy and grandpa....some things have come up and we're not sure if we'll be able to make it this weekend. i'll keep you up dated but thought i should let you know now. we love you and hope we get to see you.
Marrdy, That is SO sad! I heard about the deaths but I didn't know such cruel comments were being left. I'm so tired of society forgetting that the homeless are humans...some are ill, others destitute, so many desperate for hope and help. The compassion our society lacks towards this community of people is heart wrenching.
yeah we won't be able to make it. i really wanted to see you guys and jamie (she said she was going to call you). maybe we can plan another weekend or something. i don't know. we love you and thank you. will you give grandpa a hug for me please? thank you
that is very sad. So many people are lacking in compassion these days and figure people could get out of being homeless if they wanted to. Why don't people think before they speak?
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